It gives us immense pleasure to introduce The ICFAI University.Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India, (ICFAI) was established in 1984 with the objective of imparting high quality training in Management, Finance, Insurance and Banking for management
students, working executives and professionals in India.
ICFAI University is the first multi state University, setup under
State Act and been recognized by UGC under section 2(F) of UGC act & DEC.
The University offers Bachelors Like BBA, BCA, Masters MBA, MCA, MIFA, EMBA and many other P.G.Diploma programs in Management, Finance, and Technology, Information technology, education, and other areas.
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Never Blame a day in your life | |
Good Days given you happiness | |
Bad Days give you Exeperience | |
Both are Essesitial in life. | |
All Are Born in pressence of God Blessings.
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